Sunday, March 15, 2009

Five Fingers Cont...

These vibram five fingers have been on my mind. With the weather cooling, and having the female characteristic of cold hands and toes, I've been considering these for yoga as the only alternative is bare feet in the cold studio. Well it's not that cold, but barefoot below 20 degrees and my toes are little icicles.
I've also grown to consider if they are going to help me re-establish muscles and use of my little toes. All they do these days is curl into the neighboring toe and are thus useless, completely. These little toes are designed to work, but modern day man in flat platform shoes makes these little pinkies lazy. And as it goes, if you don't use it, you loose it.
Alot of runners are loving these and saying that it has helped change their running technique for the better. I'm intrigued and have been searching for more info.
I came across Dr Silberman and am interested to try his running technique. See it for yourself;
What's interesting is Dr Silberman critiquing Radcliffe, Gebrselassie, an immediate novice to his technique, and one who had a little time to practice. I've been running for about 2 1/2 years now, but still consider myself a novice. I'm going to give this approach a try, as I'm guilty of heel pounding.
REI has 20% off for members at the moment so I'm almost totally convinced to buy a pair and give five fingers a go. Might give them a whirl jogging around Albert Park. Just as soon as the Grand Priz leaves town.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Gadgets for a terrific cause!

Get yourself one of these. And if you can, get a box of them to sell at work or your club. It's a keyring with a token that works on shopping trolleys and some gym lockers (in lieu of $1 and $2 coins). Put it on your car keys and never be without a coin when it's needed. I've gone into a supermarket heaps of times without a coin for the trolley, and resorted to putting everything into baskets and looking pathetic trying to carry 10kg+ around as I do the weekly shop. Get one of these and problem solved.

But the most important thing is that through buying these, you'll be contributing much needed funds towards a wonderful foundation that directly helps women with breast cancer. Throw in a few $1 and $2 donations at the same time, you won't be needing them anymore for the trolley.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I want these!

Maybe for yoga in the winter, to keep my toes warmer. And when the price comes down too...

If you're a bloke, stop reading this post now. No really, cause if you do read on, you'll likely wish you hadn't later.

I have been growing more annoyed about the price of those certain products one needs to buy every month as a woman. Add to it, knowing you're adding to the cotton/cardboard/etc, landfill, all around environmental impact these products contribute to. I recently remembered a product I came across once in the US but was reluctant to buy at the time. So I went about an online search for it, found it on But I must admit I bought it via a retailer on as the product and postage were cheaper. A neat little package arrived in the mail soon after, and at my next time to try it, did so. Without going into specifics, it gets the tick of approval and am happy to recommend it to others. I have even used it cycling and wasn't any more uncomfortable for it. It is a little pricy, but if it goes the distance, I should break even after 5 months.

My next female specific product on it's way in the post as we speak, is this beauty. Sani-Fem I'm looking forward to it making life easier out cycling and hikeing. I'm a sadist for getting de-hydrated on adventures through not drinking for the in-convenience of a regular girls bush squat. Review to come.
I thought I'd start a public inventory of all my odd and unique and hard to find gadgets which I buy and have collected over the years for cycling, hiking and skiing, and for a few other odd uses. I'll provide a bit of info and review of the products briefly and also include where to buy it if it's still available. I consider myself a miminalist when it comes to my gear, but more than happy to cart along gadgets which contribute to making the experience easier or better.

So my first blog might as well be about the last thing I bought. My husbands long hours on the bike mean for the bikers arm tan, you know, the one when shirtless, he looks like he's still wearing a white t-shirt on tanned arms. Not even the winter months these days see the tan vanish. So with sunscreen on exposed arms insifficiant in the summer, along came these beauties!

White Arm Coolers (not warmers)! Claimed to be cooler than wearing nothing in the heat. From De Soto, and tri-athlon equipment and clothing company. So I bought these straight from the US, on and Greg gave them a go on a 200km+ riding weekend. He reports back that they were nice and cool, and he never felt the warm March alpine sun on his arms. No sunscreen either, no sunburnt arms. Seems good so far. Let the tan fade begin.